Where November December 2017 WhereNov-Dec17_Digital | Page 21

SHOPPING DECADENCE CHOCOLATES Handmade confections like Belgian artisan chocolates use creative flavour ingredients like Manitoba honey and thyme. Watch chocolatier Helen Staines create works of art in an open kitchen. Also carries vegan truffles. 70 Sherbrook St, 204-772-4626, decadencechocolates.ca, Map 1: P-2 MORDENS’ OF WINNIPEG This Winnipeg-based candy company, with a store at the plant, produces a wide range of candy and chocolates, including very popular Russian mints. Roasted nuts are also a highlight. 674 Sargent Ave, 204-783-4551, mordenschocolate.com, Map 1: O-1 FASHION ACCESSORIES THE HABERDASHERY GUYS AND GIRLS Fun, vintage styled space carries a selection of fashionable hats, scarves, gloves, belt buckles, belts, bags and shoes. 84 Albert St, 204-256-3758, haberdashery.ca, Map 1: T-2 JOAN’S Sophisticated handbags, rock ‘n’ roll jewels, feathered fascinators and jewellery are sourced from around the globe. Also carries a large selection of novelty gifts. B-545 Academy Rd, 204-415-7508, joansaccessoriesandmore.com, Map 2: D-3 SILVER LOTUS Fun space filled with stunning pieces. Handcrafted jewellery by Pyrrha, Andrea Waines, Justine Brooks and Rebel. 103 Osborne St, 204-452-3648, silverlotus.biz, Map 1: R-3 FOOD & WINE THE CANISTER More than 100 varieties of black, flavoured and green teas. Godiva chocolates, flavoured hot chocolate and more than 50 varieties of regular and flavoured coffee beans are offered. 121 Osborne St, 204-474-0407, Map 1: R-3 CORNELIA BEAN Tea, coffee, chocolate, and accessories shop on the posh Academy Road strip. More than 200 varieties of loose tea and 18 freshly roasted coffees from around the world. 417 Academy Rd, 204-489-5460, corneliabean.com, Map 2: D-3 DE LUCA’S SPECIALTY FOODS With an in-house bakery, butcher and kitchen turning out daily specials, this Italian grocery-cum-New York deli is always bustling. 950 Portage Ave, 204-774-7617, deluca.ca, Map 1: Q-1 FRESCOLIO This new extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar tasting bar offers the ultimate try before you buy experience. Taste more than 65 samples in tantalizing combinations, such as dark chocolate balsamic. 2-929 Corydon Ave, 204-505-1455, Map 1: T-2; 5-1604 St. Mary’s Rd, 204-615-3885, frescolio.ca, Map 2: F-5 GIMLI FISH MARKET Specialties include pickerel and goldeye, smoked on-site. Purchases can be packaged for travel. 596 Dufferin Ave, 204-589-3474, Map 2: C-4; 625 Pembina Hwy, 204-477-6831, Map 2: E-4; 1083 St. Mary’s Rd, 204-256-3474, Map 2: D-6; 6-801 Regent Ave, 204-222-4672, gimlifi sh.com, Map 2:D-5 G.J. ANDREWS Elegant spot features prepared dishes, a bakery counter and imported food products. Features 900 wines from around the world. 384 Academy Rd, 204-487-7300, gjandrews.ca, Map 2: D-3 OLIV TASTING ROOM A popular family-run Canadian chain boasting more than 80 varieties of oil and vinegar. Sampling is encouraged. 1857 Grant Ave, 204-414-2019, olivtastingroom.ca, Map 2: E-3 PIAZZA DE NARDI This indoor plaza houses La Grotta Mediterranean Market, offering gourmet dried goods, desserts, prepared foods and excellent breads. La Boutique del Vino features more than 1,300 wines. 1360 Taylor Ave, 204-982-9461 (market), 204-982-VINO (8466 - wine store), lagrotta.ca, Map 2: E-3 TALL GRASS PRAIRIE BREAD COMPA NY Organic bakery sells bread made with freshly ground flour from Manitoba wheat. 859 Westminster Ave, 204-783-5097, Map 1: R-1; The Forks Market, main floor, 204-957-5097, tallgrassbakery.ca, Map 1: Q-5 VITA HEALTH This Manitoba-owned and-operated chain of health stores carries natural beauty products, nutritional supplements and organic produce. Six locations in Winnipeg, vitahealthstores.ca BLUE MOON Long standing local outfit provides unusual upscale home furnishings including modern pieces accented with natural elements. 109 Pacific Avenue, 204-452-7096, bluemoonfurniture.ca, Map 1: N-4 WINE STORES Banville & Jones Wine Co, 1616 St. Mary’s Rd, 204-948-WINE (9463), Map 2: F-4; De Luca Fine Wines, 942 Portage Ave, 204-783-9463, Map 1: Q-1; Fenton’s Wine Merchants, The Forks Market, main floor, 204-956-4613, Map 1: Q-5; Kenaston Wine Market, 1855A Grant Ave, 204–488-9463, Map 2: E-3 FOR SPACE SAKE Find clutter-busting organizational accessories to simplify your living space. 1824 Grant Ave, 204-488-2633, forspacesake.com, Map 2: D-3 FURNITURE & HOME DECOR BLUE HILLS DESIGN Home accessories, gifts, and houseware in unique designs to make home feel like the cottage. 444 Academy Rd, 204-487-1151, bluehillsdesign.ca, Map 2: D-3 GRACE & CO. LTD This lifestyle boutique shelves one- of-a-kind items such as milk soap. 556 Academy Rd, 204-292-9394, graceandcompanyltd.com, Map 2: D-3 THESE FOUR WALLS Beautiful showroom displays a full range of ever-changing styles and pieces for your home. 167 Stafford Ave, 204-452-5786, thesefourwalls.ca, Map 1: T-1 TASTE EXPLORE MEET SHOP PLAY Meet me at The Forks. theforks.com #MeetMeAtTheForks NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2017 where.ca 19