Where November December 2017 WhereNov-Dec17_Digital | Page 17
by ninA bRyk
editor’s pick
top 5 his & her shops
sceNe iN the citY
For lifestyle shoppers on your list, Academy Road
provides a picturesque cluster of independently
owned boutiques. For city-goers who wish for cottage
appeal in apparel and housewares, Lake Life is the
destination. Grace & Co (pictured) imparts a European
flair to meticulously sourced kitchen supplies and
food products scarcely found elsewhere in the city.
Styling services are offered at Chestnut Lane Boutique
to guide shoppers through the leading-edge fashion
collections. Joan’s supplies an ever-changing array of
extraordinary clothing, designer bags and novelty gifts.
While North Flag salutes a younger generation with a
cool collection of Canadiana with their casual attire,
denim and accessories.
Winnipeg is rich with specialty boutiques
catering to shopping needs of both sexes, making
a harmonious travel experience for everyone!
Sleek, chic, and perfectly practical, U.N.
Luggage provides a high-end supply of laptop
bags, backpacks, cosmetic bags, luggage
and more to appeal to a variety of personal
tastes. 175 McDermot Ave, 204-943-1068,
unluggage.com, Map 1: O-4
To witness a local artist/designer hard
at work and loving every minute in his
creative space, step into Lennard Taylor. The
distinctive boutique is tailored to sophisticated
men and women with architecturally
influenced apparel and accessories.
246 McDermot Ave, 204-272-9112,
lennardtaylor.com, Map 1: O-5
Those with distinctive panache must visit
the infamous Haberdashery Guys and Girls
shop (pictured). Listen to oldies play on the
turntable while trying on the many hats, neck
ties, bow ties, scarves, gloves, buckles, and
sunglasses. 84 Albert St, 204-256-3758,
haberdashery.ca, Map 1: T-2
Trendsetting separates arri ve daily at
the Style Bar boutique located in Osborne
Village. 470 River Ave, 204-505-1351,
stylebarboutique.com Map 1: R-3
For anyone who shares a passion for hockey,
Jet's Gear will help you score with everything
Jet's - from baby onesies, coffee mugs, PJs
and underwear. See locations pg. 21
MANitoBA MeMeNto: rUssiAN MiNts
holiday demands for sugary momentos have many larger companies manufacturing
candies more than a year in advance - yet Mordens’ of Winnipeg is known
for producing only the highest quality of fresh, premium chocolate. Signature
Russian Mints are a heady combination of rich milk chocolate infused with cooling
peppermint oil, and continue to be the treasured treat of Manitobans and visitors
alike. The secret recipe has been sampled by Queen Elizabeth ii, and won first prize
over 300 other entrants at the 1984 Louisiana World Expo. Mordens’ of Winnipeg,
674 Sargent Ave, 204-783-4551, Map 1: O-2
november/december 2017