Where November December 2017 WhereNov-Dec17_Digital | Page 11
by teena Legris and nina bryK
KENNETH LAVALLEE ’s work combines
the influence of Western modern art with the aesthetics and
teachings of 20th century indigenous artists like Jackson
beardy, norval Morriseau, benjamin chee chee, and the
indian group of seven. his pieces are unique, balanced, and
the 33 year old Metis artist draws influence from his
environment, historical research, and inspirations. he fondly
remembers passing by the Indian Family Centre while on
the bus with his mother and admiring the Jackson beardy
murals of Peace and Harmony. its grand scale and bold palette
influenced his own style of art and his desire to one day
inspire youth.
those passing by the Winnipeg art gallery will see
Lavallee’s vivid and fluid Creation Story featured on the exterior
wall of the Wag as part of Insurgence/Resurgence, canada’s
largest indigenous exhibit. Kenneth feels “artists have a
unique opportunity to examine and reflect upon their current
society, to provide a powerful medium to deliver a message.
We have the opportunity and space to create art with positive
imagery to lift the spirit.”
Wag curators Jaimie isaac and Julie nagam chose
Kenneth’s artwork as the first artwork to be displayed on
the exterior of the gallery “to respond to the architecture
of the building.” adding that his work for this exhibition
“considers local landmarks, gathering places and
surrounding waters of the assiniboine and the red rivers.”
cargocollective.com/knnth, exhibit on now until april 22,
2018, WAG, 300 Memorial blvd, 204-786-6641, wag.ca,
Map 1: P-3
Until Jan 1 — Winnipeg-based artist
and illustrator Matea radic exhibits her
animated work entitled 7, which depicts
her memories growing up in sarajevo at the
Graffiti Gallery.
Until Dec 2 — contemporary craft aritsts
use 2000+ year old arch