Where January February 2018 WhereJan-Feb18_Digital | Page 45

MAP 1 1 2 3 4 DOWNTOWN WINNIPEG 5 6 7 Route 180 K K Route 37 Route 52 Route 37 L L Route 47 Route 42 Route M M 62 Route 37 To Dugald and Anola Route 57 N N Manitoba Museum City Hall Centennial Centre 39 Whittier Park Route 70 37 O O 21 38 Union Station 36 Route 42 22 Upper Fort Garry e iboin Assin rWalk Rive 1 The Forks National Historic Site Explore Manitoba Centre Forks Historic Rail Bridge Q Manitoba Legislative Building P 1 Q iel de R lana Esp Canadian Museum For Human Rights RBC Convention Centre 2 57 1 ine Assinibo k RiverWal 18 85 Route 35 Winnipeg Art Gallery Route Police Station 30 P Shaw Park 42 MTS Centre 1 Wpg rism Tou Route 115 R R 1 S S Route 95 Route 70 Route Route 62 42 T T Route 52 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 jANuAry/fEbruAry 2018 7 where.ca 43