Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 4 Number 4 | Page 85

Art teaches us to be aware of present moment , to be aware of stillness . Beauty is individual . It has power to awaken one ’ s soul and to make one lost in right direction .
I have learned to listen and so , to received answers . I have learned to allow more , to embrace what is and what is not , and to know the difference . The good , the bad , the amazing , the blissful , the boring , the tiring hours flow like a river of life , on the banks of which I found myself , sitting diligently and absorbing it all . Painting , drawing , photography , writing are my tools to meet the life as art . I feel my soul as a mosaic – piece by piece life has glued light and shade , love and loss , desire and passion into one magnificent landscape .
Art , as changing seasons of my creativity .
“ Golden Rhapsody ” 24x20
Art as harmony and vibration , which I chose to surround myself with . It helps me to find myself and lose myself at the same time . Art cuts across all barriers ; it reduces polarity , which is tension between good and bad . It inspires us to be , without judging what is in front of us .
And between that finding and losing , I have experienced the best moments of creativity , heard the deepest whispers of my soul . All I am seeking , is also seeking me . There is room in my heart for wonderment that is found nowhere else , only in the seekers heart . To be surprised , to wonder and so create from that wonder . Diversity of colors and shapes is the result of me allowing to let experience to influence my soul . And that is enough . Art as a remedy is enough . I am enough . The hand can never paint anything higher that the soul has lived . If this is true , I nourish my soul and feed it with Beauty and Truth . Then out of its abundance , the canvas will be filled with inspiring ideas , with uplifting thoughts . If life posses me with questions , art gives me an answers . Life keeps leading to more life . It pushes you to unknown journeys and then anchors you again . One painting leads to another . Memory is too small place to live . Art helps us to create from experiences ; it challenges us to wear off of beaten path and be brave to take a road less traveled . All this seeking and finding has to be become part of me – to become my glance , my posture , my name , my waking hours . All that is needed is a capacity to become you . Only them one is able to create from it and to share it with the world . Only then the brushstroke becomes a painting .
Remember to enjoy the journey , this is what creating is about .
nijolerasmussen . com