Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 4 Number 3 | Page 73

bathroom mirror it may say, smile and in your studio, it may say, your paintings bring joy and beauty to others. Share them with the world. 4. Get in synch with the light. Sleeping between the hours of 10 to 6 have scientifically shown to be the most advantageous hours to renew your body, recharge your mind and enhance your thinking powers. I used to work nights when I was young, and I never slept in synch with the sunlight. When I changed jobs, my body gravitated toward sleeping from 10 to 6 and my creativity, health and energy blossomed. 5. Technology dos and don’ts-Know when to use it and when to lose it. I use a photo app for transforming my own images into something that will inspire a painting or sculpture. I put aside my electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime and I never have them in the room with me when sleeping. 6. See with new eyes-This is from another chapter in my upcoming book. As a visual artist I am always looking around me for inspiration. I love textures and I use my camera to capture cracked surfaces, peeling paint and wonderous clouds. When I see the familiar images with fresh eyes, it jump starts my imagination. We used to play a game where we would take a common object and come up with new uses or ideas for it. They didn’t have to be reality based, just creative. A beret could become a frisbee, a swimming pool, a bowl or even a space ship. 7. Mute the inner critic and let go of judgement. Dumb ideas reframed become limitless possibilities, which can lead to brilliance as we see in the previous exercise. But, the critic is going to want to raise its head. Imagine you have a remote control and when the critic pops up, hit the mute button. 8. Invite Curiosity out for a date and remember to see with the wonder of a child. Allow your- self a play date to follow your imagination. Perhaps you go to the zoo or the park and pl ay on the swings. When you allow yourself to see with the curiosity of a child, you will see wonderful things. 9. Most importantly, dump perfection. When you let this go, then anything is possible. Pre-Order Awakening Your Creative Soul at amzn.to/2xYkYcS 73