When Heroes Disappoint | Page 60


Unlocking The Potential Of Gen Z As The Next Generation Of Change Makers

By Prof . Kellen Kiambati
One of the most important factors influencing life in general and the world of work is the emergence of Generation Z who are transformative , digitally native , and very conscious of social issues , fiercely independent and now reshaping political and social agenda in our societies . It is clear now finding effective ways of engaging Generation Z is no longer a question of learning but a necessity .
Gen Z ' s have taught themselves a unique ability to source , access , critically analyze and share information with the world calling for accountability with a very focused issue-based approach where they identify a problem , tackle it head-on , and move on to the next challenge with efficiency . They are impatient , demanding for immediate actions and solutions meaning organizations must always stay agile .
Gen Z ’ s have perfected the art of crowdsourcing where they have shown their skills in mobilizing resources around issues that matter to them enabling them to fund their initiatives without traditional gatekeepers . These selffinanced campaigns underscore a key characteristic of Gen Z - they are proactive and take ownership of causes that affect them directly . Citizens , particularly from this generation , are no longer waiting for institutions to solve their problems instead they are actively finding ways to address them . Organizations must be ready for more of this kind of engagements and conversations .
Gen Z places immense value on diversity , and this is something organizations must take seriously . With personal experiences of inclusion or exclusion shaping their worldviews , this generation expects representation and inclusivity to be core tenets of any workplace or social environment . It ’ s no longer enough to talk

While Gen Z ’ s activism and advocacy are commendable , they need continued encouragement to maintain momentum . The energy , courage , and determination they bring to issues are invaluable , and organizations and governments must play an active role in nurturing these qualities by offering them platforms and opportunities to engage with decision-makers .

about diversity - Gen Z demands action .
Intentionally creating spaces for Gen Z ’ s to have their voices heard and acted upon is important because they have demonstrated they do not only want to be heard ; they expect their input to lead to action . Organizations should therefore foster environments where their ideas are not only listened to but are also implemented . Gen Z ’ s expect seamless tech-enabled interaction experiences through social media , digital platforms , or online campaigns because they resonate with them .
The recent demonstrations taught us that while Gen Z ’ s activism and advocacy are commendable , they need continued encouragement to maintain momentum . The energy , courage , and determination they bring to issues are invaluable , and organizations and governments must play an active role in nurturing these qualities by offering them platforms and opportunities to engage with decisionmakers , we can empower this generation to lead the change we all want to see .
I conclude by saying Gen Z is already a formidable force in shaping the world .
Prof . Kellen Kiambati holds a BA - HRM from Kenyatta University , MBA from the Kenya Methodist University and a PhD in Business Administration with a focus in Strategic Management from JKUAT . She is a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management of Kenya . She can be reached via : Kellenkiambati @ gmail . com .
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