When Heroes Disappoint | Page 23

customers feel like they ' re part of the team :
• Ask for their two cents : Shoot out some surveys , host a few casual focus groups , or set up an online space where they can share their thoughts and ideas .
• Let them get creative : Give them the tools to personalize your products or services , so they feel like they ' ve got something truly unique .
• User-generated content is gold : Encourage them to share their experiences on social media , or even create their own stuff inspired by what you do .
This is the Psychology of Ownership : If it ' s Mine , I Care !
When people feel like they ' ve had a hand in building something , they ' ll go ‘ do-ordie ’ on it . They become true believers , sharing their excitement with everyone and defending it against any naysayers .
Your brand can tap into that same energy . When you give your customers a voice and a sense of control , you ' re not just building loyalty , you ' re creating a whole crew of passionate supporters who ' ll have your back .
So , let ’ s loosen the grip a bit . Invite your customers in , and see what unfolds .
Emotion in the Age of Instant Gratification
We live in a world of instant everything .
Need a ride ? Tap an app . Hungry ? Food ' s a few clicks away . Bored ? Endless social media feeds are at your fingertips . We ' re used to getting what we want , right now . And that can make it tough to build those deep , meaningful connections .
People ' s attention spans are shorter than ever . We ' re bombarded with info and distractions 24 / 7 , making it harder than ever to break through and actually make an emotional impact .
It ' s like trying to have a heart-to-heart at a rock concert . You might get a few words in edgewise , but truly connecting is near impossible with all that noise around you .
So , how do you stir up those emotions when everyone ' s got the attention span of a goldfish ?
Tell stories that stick : People love a good yarn , especially one that feels real and relatable . Share your brand ' s journey , the values you hold dear , the people behind the curtain . Let your customers see the heart and soul of your business .
Make it personal : Use data and insights to tailor your messages and experiences . Show each customer you get them .
Show , don ' t just tell : A picture ' s worth a thousand words , and a video ? Even more . Use visuals to evoke those feelings and tell your brand ' s story in a way that ' s quick , catchy , and unforgettable .
Be the hero they need : Provide customer service that ' s so good , they ' ll write songs about it . Respond to inquiries faster than a speeding bullet , solve problems with empathy and grace , and throw in a surprise or two whenever you can .
At the end of the day , it ' s simple : people crave connection .
They want to feel something real from the brands they support - shared values , a sense of being understood , a little boost to their self-esteem . So , when you are building your business brand , don ' t just chase profits . Aim for the heart .
Create a vision that puts positive emotions front and center , encourages collaboration , and deliver experiences that feel genuine .
Sure , it might take a bit more effort , but the payoff ? Priceless .
So , go out there and make your customers feel something . Because in the end , it ' s those emotions that ' ll keep them coming back for more .
Alice Ngatia is a Senior Marketing Executive & Sustainability Specialist with 18 + years of experience in helping brands WIN in the hearts & minds of customers . You can commune with her via email at : Alice . Ngatia @ gmail . com .