Wheeler JCL torch wjcl Dec 2018 | Page 7

DESIGN  Officer's Minute Emma Mason, GJCL 1st Vice President, shares the latest in JCL. There’s a good chance I’ll continue taking Classics courses in college, and I became interested in them because my dad took Latin when he was in highschool. What’s your favorite bubble tea? It’s too hard to choose, but probably passion fruit or coconut. Finally, do you have any tips for delegates thinking about running for office? My biggest tip is to market yourself! If you plan on running, talk to people and get to know them well. EXTRA EXTRA THE BREAKDOWN How would you describe what you do on the state board? I’m in charge of membership and publicity, so I basically help run the statewide publicity contest and help to judge entries. I also helped run Praetoria earlier this year, which is basically a GJCL leadership camp. Photograph by Emma Mason Do you have any goals for GJCL in the coming year? Yeah! We’re actually planning on adding a new event in January or February, so we’re working on planning and implementing that- we’ll keep all the GJCLer’s updated! Will the classics be a part of your future? How did you first become interested in them? DID YOU KNOW???? You can make togas from bedsheets! Get yours now for 19.99$!!! (some assebly required) THE TORCH | 7