Wheeler JCL torch Wheeler JCL Torch September | Page 10

MEET YOUR OFFICERS Currently also serving as the GJCL secretary, Ann- Marie has been an active member of JCL for four years now. She wishes to take Wheeler Latin to the next level and promote growth and appreciation of the classics. EMMA MASON Currently also serving as the GJCL 1st VP, Emma has also been an active member of JCL for four years now. Her passion for the classics makes her a role model for all members of JCL. ANN - MARIE ABUNYEWA CLAIRE SOHN Having been an active member of JCL for four years, Claire will work to increase membership and publicity during her year as 1st Vice-President. Talha and Kate take on the task of creating cheers, roll calls, and banners for this year of JCL. THE TORCH | 10 TALHA ALI KATE CASEY