Wheel World News Issue 37 October | Page 13

If you are interested in being featured in the "Professional Profile" segment, please contact Allison via email @ [email protected]

-Sharon Malone


October 2018


The support I have received through AZSCIA has allowed me to flourish with my new normal. I have been able to participate in every activity they have sponsored which keeps me active physically, mentally, & emotionally I have gained friendships, that are truly special to me & have been there for me every step of the way.

I have learned that I can conquer anything I set my mind to but I enjoy helping others the most. Most people with SCI’s go through a 2 year depression stage which I didn’t have the ability to experience with 3 kids to take care of. When I was released from skilled nursing I didn’t have anyone to lean on that understood what I was going through. I am blessed to have a supportive family but I endured a lot of learning curves figuring things out alone and had to deal with a divorce on top of my injury. It was overwhelming emotionally until I got the support I needed to get me through it (Thank you Scott Hassel). To help others early on in their recovery is a rewarding experience and it’s great to see them conquer life and see the positive in lieu of the negativity than can plague some.

In my spare time I enjoy kayaking, shooting, skydiving, & roller coaster riding. I was a newbie to waterskiing & jet skiing this September at Day on the Lake and I am hooked on jet skiing. I juggle 8 outside activities between all 3 kids (In 6 years you’ll see me on American Ninja Warrior). Yes, I’m the soccer mom, gymnastics mom, dance mom, & parkour mom. I do it all despite my disability. My able-bodied friends don’t know how I do it all as single mom. They tell me they say they can’t do it but to me “can’t” is not an option and is not in my vocabulary. If someone tells me I can’t do something that makes me even more determined to do it. YES I enjoy FREAKING my parents out.

My philosophy on life now is to live for today as tomorrow is never promised. I never want to say I wish I did…I want to make the best out of my circumstances and make as many memories as I can with my kids. I want to enjoy life. I’ve been blessed to be able to do that with the help of AZSCIA and the friendships I have made with them. I am thankful for all the support.