WHE Wild Word | Page 9

Our wild horses and burros are not domestics, they are a part of our amazing wild places. They need nothing from us to thrive as they have done since their beginning in time.

We fence their world, cut them off from moving as we destroy their water and gazing lands. We blame the horse for the destruction and remove them and fail to keep them safe; again and again.

Over the last 4 years project after project has been approved in wild horse country.

Our team has just come in from a range run that covered over 2000 miles and multiple HMAs. They documented the devastation to out herds and the land.

Armed with up-to-date information our team has set down to oppose multiple gazing decisions and prepae actions against even more mines and oil and gas.

We desperately need management plans that begin to address the rapid loss of critical habitat. As we fight to gain actual management planning for our wild horse,s we will continue to address the rapid industrialization of wild horse country decision by decision. The pace has been intense.

Our wild ones are suffering on the range from a lack of forage and water. Our wild ones did not cause this damage; massive mines are drawing down water tables, domestic livestock moves like locusts and decimates forage.

This is where the fight for the wild begins, ground zero. We must protect their homes.

Thank you for helping us fight for our wild ones still free.

"Our wild places are facing unprecendented destruction"

GRound Zero

The Land They Stand

October, 2020 9