WHE Wild Word | Page 15


There is no doubt that there is an all out assault on our wild places.

Policy changes have made it possible to fast tack the approval of mining and livestock decisions.

Massive public relations firms market this devastation as progress when this devastation threatens the environment that provide communities with water.

Our wild horses and burros were given less than 12% of public lands to live on. In that 12% the amount of water, forage and even the land base they have access to has been shrinking each year.

Throughout the summer, week after week , our teams documented wild horses and burros struggling to navigate this treacherous landscape to survive. The callous cruelty of land managers resulted in multiple deaths due to a lack of access to water.

It is not an overpopulation of wild horses, it is the industrialization of our public lands causing the death of the land.

The assault on our wild horses continues spurred forward by those that do not see our wild places as valuable, only in the way of their own profit lines.

The fight has never been more intense or more important.

Thank you for helping us to stay in the fight.

"The fight has never been more intense or more important. "

October, 2020 9