WHE, 2017-Summer | Page 7

You Have Power

Compassion fatigue is very real. This phenomenon has been documented in many professions including nurses working in critical care units and in animal shelter workers.

Anyone that cares about the environment, human issues or animal welfare can increasingly find themselves feeling a sense of hopelessness and exhaustion. There are days it feels as if the tide will never turn or the fight will never end.

Tides ebb and flow. Being an advocate is not a means to any end, it is a commitment to the creation of a space for actions that reflect integrity. Integrity that can ease the suffering of the land, it's creatures and our fellow human beings.

That space begins with you.

Take a moment a clean that space each day. Working against things such as cruelty, corporate greed, illness or any other type of corruption leaves you vulnerable. Vulnerability to infection is very obvious when you work with physical illness and precautions are taken guard from it. Proximity to cruelty or greed can also create symptoms.

Just like washing your hands if you worked in a hospital, take precautions.

There can be peace and beauty, even when immersed in a chaos. Take a minute everyday to take care of the space where change can begin, you.