WHE, 2017-Summer | Page 11

Removing wild horses from the range has been virtually the only tool the BLM uses for "range management." This has led to nearly 70,000 help in government facilities..

Is the government f the United States really proposing to kill tens of thousands of wild horses? The short answer is simply, yes.

In order to save money the budget proposes to line up the wild horses held in facilities, run them down an alley into a chute, and put a bullet in their heads.

The proposal still has to pass the US Senate.

Turn the page to see how you can take action today!

Since the federal wild horse program began it has never operated as intended; to set aside areas where wild horses are given a priority of the use of the land instead of simply "tolerated because the law says so." Wild horses only exist on 11% of public land and are only given about 16% of the resource in those areas. That amounts to .02% of all public resource.

Wild horses are not responsible for the problems on the range.

Our public wild places are a series of fenced pastures for privately owned domestic livestock. Livestock exists on 66% of public land and is given over 80% of available grass. More than half of these permits are given without ever assessing the condition of the land. In 2016 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) released a report that concluded: illegal use of the land, running more or out of turnout times, is widespread in the West.

Private use of public land to run cows produces about 3% of all beef and it operates at a lose to the tax payer (after fees are collected) of over $125 million a year, over a billion dollars from 2002-2012.

The federal government needs to look at the grazing program first, before they shoot wild horses.