What's up in Europe? | Page 62

The golden age of love My hands are in love, alas, my mouth loves and see, I am suddenly aware that things are so close to me I can hardly walk among them without suffering. It is a sweet feeling of waking, of dreaming, and I am here now, without sleep I clearly see the ivory gods, I take them in my hands and thrust them, laughing, in the moon up to their sculpted hilts the wheel of an ancient ship, adorned and spun by sailors. Jupiter is yellow, Hera the magnificent shades to silver. I strike the wheel with my left hand and it moves. It is a dance of sentiments, my love, many a goddess of the air, between the two of us. And I, the sail of my soul billowed with longing, look for you everywhere, and things come ever closer, crowding my chest, hurting me. From the book “Bas-Relief with Heroes” english translation by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru. Unwords He offered me a leaf like a hand with fingers. I offered him a hand like a leaf with teeth. He offered me a branch like an arm. I offered him my arm like a branch. He tipped his trunk towards me like a shoulder. I tipped my shoulder to him like a knotted trunk. I could hear his sap quicken, beating like blood. He could hear my blood slacken like rising sap. I passed through him. He passed through me. I remained a solitary tree. He a solitary man.