What's up in Europe? | Page 142

Society Norway Arranged marriages - Not the key to happiness By Iqra «An arranged marriage is like a blind date-except that date is supposed to last for a lifetime.» In some countries arranged marriages are practised as a part of traditions and cultures. What is an arranged marriage? An arranged marriage is a marriage where the decision of a spouse is taken by either the parents, some other family members or some other people the two who are going to get married know. We can find this tradition in too many countries. This is not acceptable, and in this text I am going to explain why. First of all, every human should get the right to decide such an important decision by herself or himself. We have human rights, which say that you have the freedoom to choose and take the decisions you want to all by yourself. Where is this freedom if other people are supposed to choose who you are going to share the rest of your life with?! Instead of meeting the love of your life, it is up to the parents to arrange your marriage. Other people decide your freedom and independence, and this is just not right. On the other hand, even though the parents think it will be a good marriage, it will not be. How can two people who are married stay together as a happy couple when there is no love? Love has another priority. «Follow your head, not your heart.» This is what the parents tell their children. However, it should sound more like «Listen to your heart.» People do not even care if both of the spouses love each other. Therefore, social and economic problems are more important than love. Your marriage is one of the most important decisions you ever will take, and it will affect the rest of your life. In addition to this, why should someone else decide when it all is about you, and you only? Lastly, it is more focus on the family than on the two people who are the ones who are going to get married. The families decide together who «the lucky one» should be. As a result, they do get two people married but are they happy? They rarely know each other, and they do not love each other. Problems and conflicts may come in their way. At that moment, it is already too late, and in this case the woman is the one who is more vulnerable. The wife is usually just a product of the marriage which the man is asked to spend the rest of his life with. The respect is even gone, and both are unhappy about the marriage. Most people do not say a word about their unhappiness, in fear of a divorce or the family. This is sad, and we cannot let such things happen. All in all, arranged marriages are not the key to a happy and successful marriage. A marriage like this is just like a big change in your life without no real expectations or love. A marriage which is not arranged may consist of love and freedom, and both of the parts know each other. You are supposed to marry him or her because you feel love for that person. Not because someone else wants you to do it or ask you to do it. An arranged marriage is like window-shopping. You get something that you never wanted in the first place.