Student Talk
Aiden Howell
I learned a lot at our Waterbury competition, which was my first competi-
tion ever. While at the competition, I spent most of my time either scouting in
the stands or adventuring around the pits. Many teams will bring pins or find
other ways to make their pits unique, and I enjoy going around with my team-
mates and collecting as many pins as possible. One team made a scavenger
hunt for people to do at the competition between matches. I took part in that
and am now trying to get Buzz to have a scavenger hunt as well. I also ended up
wearing the “Buzz-Man” costume for team spirit , and followed around the
drive team (while doing the macarena) for encouragement.
Shah Qureshi
During the Waterbury event, overall, it was fun and successful. We
learned a lot, and I personally enjoyed it. The robot had trouble during
Sandstorm due to the manipulator and the camera. However, if it weren't
for this competition, we wouldn't know how to improve the robot. Before
the competition, everyone made scouting seem like a chore, but it was fine
to me. I had fun watching all the different robots, seeing how they were
built and designed. It made me think how we can improve our robot, and
how we can design it next year.
Issue 5: May 19, 2019