Senior Profile
Name: Aaron Longo
Number of years on the team: 3
Why I Joined: I joined Buzz Robotics
because I always knew that I wanted to
be an engineer growing up and I had
heard from people that were already on
the team that it was a great extracurric-
ular activity to get involved in if that
was what I desired. I also wanted to
work with computers and program the
robot and see what I could do in that re-
Favorite Part of Buzz: My favorite part
of Buzz is going to the World Champi-
onship every year. I like to meet all of
the teams from all over the world and
look at the way that they designed their
robot in addition to the way in which they coded their robot to work. I also like
to be away from home and being with the team in the position that so many
teams try to achieve. Having everyone together at the World Championship just
feels so rewarding after an entire season of hard work.
Most Memorable Moment on Buzz: My most memorable was my first competi-
tion during my sophomore year at Waterbury High School. I remember it was
the first week of competition so no team really knew what they were doing and
it was really cold in the gym where the competition was. After our first match, I
remember Jamie telling me that they wanted vision tracking on the robot, and
they wanted me to put it on the robot because I was the one that worked on it all
season. At that moment, I felt a sense a pride as that was my first year on Buzz
and something that I worked on that was deemed at first unimportant was then
needed on the robot. It was almost cathartic in the sense that all of my hard
work didn’t go unnoticed, and was overall influential in the overall design for
the robot that year.
Future Plans: I plan to go to college and major in aerospace engineering. I have
applied to Georgia Tech, University of Connecticut, Texas A&M, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Boston University,
Olin, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Issue 1: January 13, 2019