What's The Buzz Buzz 2018-2019 Newsletter Issue 4 | Page 2

Progression throughout Build We had a stressful last few hours of work time before we bagged the robot, trying to get the all of the functions working in sync. We had an all day practice and the first time we ever officially drove the robot, the whole team crowded around to watch. We bagged our robot with our fa- vorite mascot, Hodge Bear (a stuffed bear we named after one of our mentors so our robot doesn’t get lonely in the bag!), on February 19th. Now we are all set for Waterbury! After bag, we resumed work on the second robot. At the beginning of the season, the team unanimously agreed to start building multiple sets of each part, one for the main robot, one for the second robot, and some for backup in case anything breaks during practices or competitions. As a result, build- ing the second robot was much easier and was together in under a week and a half. With a overall plan for how the robot was going to go together, the assembly process went a lot smoother. We had a bit of an issue with a hissing noise coming from the robot’s pneumatic system. One of the insides of the solenoids (piece to control the airflow in the pneumatics air system) had gotten stuck in a strange position, and caused all of the air in the robot to leak out. They replaced the faulty piece with a new one and the issue was quickly resolved. Other than that, the test drive of the robot went smoothly. Our mechanism work well! Issue 4: March 7, 2019 PAGE 2