What's REALLY Going ON Volume 1, Issue #5 | Page 16

“SHOUT IT OUT” By Corrine Montorfani Michael Jackson INVINCIBLE, a double platinum album considered a flop! Michael expected to get back the mechanical royalties rights of his master recording in 2000, which would allow him to sell his products without sharing profits with Sony, but found out that various clauses in his contract, kept his masters under Sony control until July of 2009. The contract required Michael to publish a number of albums within a specific period of time. For each album not released, Sony would have exercise the clause options adding more years to the date the mechanical royalties would finally go back to Michael. Michael said he had never been informed about these clauses. After some investigations, he discovered that the law firm representing him, also represented Sony. He rightly used this conflict of interest to get rid from the contractual obligation as artist. He would have released “Invincible”, Sony would have keep his publishing catalogue rights previous to Invincible and Michael freed from Sony. It was the end of May 2001, when Michael Jackson finished recording v