n the meantime, I remained dedicated to expanding my education about Michael, and in return, he became more and
more a part of my everyday life. I found myself considering him
in the way I chose to interact with people, and in how I viewed
my responsibility toward the planet and humanity. I wanted to
do more... to BE more. Knowing Michael made me want to
participate in a world beyond myself. I just could not imagine a
more beautiful example of the human spirit, and the more I
learned about him, the deeper in Love with him I fell.
ity. By simply living his life, Michael has taught me that I can
accomplish anything I set my
mind to, and that there is Divine
Perfection at the heart of all
things... even tragedy. I am profoundly grateful for all that I continue to learn from Michael, and
for the amazing people that have
come into my life through him.
Having the opportunity to witness
others Loving him, and the impact
he continues to have on the lives
of so many has been a joy like no
other. I know with all certainty,
that beyond even the enormity of
Michael’s personal achievements
and level of artistry with which he
chose to secure his legacy... what he leaves behind inside my
heart and the hearts of the millions who Love him is where the
full force of his accomplishment will endure, and where its relevance will finally be realized.
inally, almost two years
after my first attempt,
the seemingly hopeless
urge to pick up my pencil
came over me once more. I
just could not deny the
physical need I had to connect with Michael in some
way. This time I decided to
take a different approach. I
remembered something
Michael had said about
“getting out of the way of the
music”. In other words...
don’t think too much, but rather, connect with the energy of what
you are creating and let it come through naturally. I wasn’t
even sure I knew how to do that, but I wanted to try. I took a
deep breath and began to draw.
Thank You, Michael, for all that You are. The world is a better
place because of You.
Today, Tomorrow, and For All Time.
he process of experiencing Michael energetically became
such a Bliss that I found myself not caring whether it looked
like him or not... and yet, by some seemingly miraculous occurrence, it did. I started sketching pictures of him almost daily
until I could virtually close my eyes and create him solely from
the impression he left on my heart.
After about a year, I was ready to
explore new avenues, and I began
to expand into watercolor and
open acrylics. Suddenly a whole
new world opened itself to me. I
felt like I had been set free. Still
Michael inspires me to push the
boundaries of my expression as I
grow as an artist. Currently my
work is undergoing yet another
shift that will allow me to illustrate
deeper and more significant spiritual aspects of my relationship with him. Everyday has become
an adventure as I wait with anticipation to see where he will lead
me next.
ll proceeds from the sale of my artwork are donated to
Dedicating The Dream Global Outreach, an organization
committed solely to sharing Michael Jackson’s message of Universal Love and personal truth through the global charitable
distribution of his book, Dancing The Dream.
If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved, I
invite you to visit our website at: http://dedicatingthedream.com
To view or purchase my artwork: http://www.mjartbysiren.com
To purchase my book “Art And Soul: A Spiritual Tribute”: http://
w w w . a m a z o n . c o m / A r t - S o ul - Spi r i t ua l - Tr i b u t e - S i r e n /
Contact me: [email protected]
ince beginning my journey with Michael, I have accomplished things that I had never even considered a possibil-