What's On Tablelands March Issue 2017 | Page 8

This permaculture-styled survival scrub has won Most Sustainable Garden in both the Tablelands Regional and the Mareeba Shire Council Garden Awards .
Open every weekend in March 10.00am till 4.00pm 42 Bischoff Mill Road , Watsonville .
More information : Steve and Marijke Hancock Ph : 4096 2089 steveandmarijke @ gmail . com


ARIES ( March 21 to April 20 ) – Prepare yourself for an emotional month , full of ups & downs , you may need a sympathetic ear to release all those pent up feelings too ? You ' re more a leader than a follower , and lots of your plans are now coming to fruition . Reds & 3 .
TAURUS ( April 21 to May 20 ) – The first half is focused on socialising , bargain hunting & spending quality time with those you love . Mid March brings in a exciting & special time , where you go after your goals with conviction & ideas flourish . Green & 5 .
GEMINI ( May 21 to June 21 ) – It ' s time to stretch your boundaries & experience new things . Take advantage of this learning time , it ' s a great time to turn your thoughts into actions . Trust your intuition to bring your dreams into reality with the right people . Red / 6 .
CANCER ( June 22 to July 22 ) – You ' ll want to be close to home with people you love . Anyone trying to get you out of your comfort zone will have an uphill battle . Your work / hobbies will flourish as you ' re the go-to person when anyone wants help with organisation / details .
Blues and 1 .
LEO ( July 23 to August 22 ) – A great month for taking up any area of study you ' re interested in , travelling both local / abroad , check out areas around where you live that you haven ' t visited . From 26th Leave sealing up financial deals / contracts until April . Greens and 7 .
VIRGO ( August 23 to
Sept 22 ) – Embracing other people ' s perceptions & opinions is important in order to grow & expand your horizons will feature this month . Learning to hold your own especially in groups , ultimately learning to be true to yourself . Blues and 2 .
LIBRA ( Sept 23 to October
22 ) – Your moods may swing with the breeze . Unexpected stresses can arise mid month but you will deal with any crises . Allow time for daydreams in your life as they can be productive especially in re to your hidden dreams . Red / 4 .
SCORPIO ( Oct 23
to Nov 21 ) – You ' re open to negotiation / compromise the 3rd / 4th which doesn ' t happen very often . Exciting new challenges pop up this month . Turning your ideas into actions is possible this month , especially if you have a solid plan . Yellow & 9 .
SAGITTARIUS ( Nov 22 to Dec 21 ) – Lots of masculine forces at work 1st / 2nd / 3rd , which gives you extra energy & propels you to do great things . All relationships in your life are highlighted this month , so it ' s a good time to heal any rifts . Take it easy end month . Browns and 8 .
( December 22 to January 21 ) – Personal responsibilities collide with job tasks creating confusion , you ' re committed to every area of your life , so making the decision about which thing to do first is hard . Harmony reigns by mid month . Give yourself plenty of self nurturing . Reds and 1 .
AQUARIUS ( Jan 20 to Feb 18 ) – Take your time expressing your feelings this month because you want to get them just right . Once you separate work from pleasure , life becomes is a little easier . There may be hidden sabotage at work , just keep your eyes open . Red and 3 .
PISCES ( February 19 to
March 20 ) – Your dreams are always meaningful & they may be especially vivid this month ! Use them to make your life path clearer . Your ideas / creativity are making you feel so very alive when you ' re able to fully express your inner vision . Yellow and 8 .