Tableland Trails and Destinations
by Paul Curtis
kind of remember nightclubbing. Well I
remember having a good time followed
later by nausea, delirium, headache,
tiredness and being unable to sleep. I
recently went ‘nightclubbing’ and suffered
a similar experience. Whilst it ended up
the same way — an empty wallet and
not much recollection of anything — it
produced some magical images. My
new ‘nightclubbing’ involves going out
all night and clubbing the landscape
After months of waiting for the perfect
moon and perfect cloudless night, my
photographic adventure started at Lake
Barrine around sunset before moving on
to Lake Eacham. Eacham was perfect. The
moon slowly illuminated the lake and
surrounding forest with a clear backdrop
of stars slowly descending into the west.
A long exposure well after dark resulted
in the lights of Atherton creating a warm
glow on the horizon with colours not
apparent to the naked eye.
Just before midnight I moved on to
Millaa Millaa