What's On Tablelands December 2016 / January 2017 Issue | Page 5

DECEMBER & JANUARY HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 to April 20) – Trusting your intuition & following it through is often hard for Aries but it’s time for just that, then true happiness can follow. Financially unexpected windfalls & business opportunities come your way. Family feature more prominently than usual. Greens and 2. TAURUS (April 21 to May 20) – Expect the unexpected, and enjoy every minute of it. Seems to be the taurus motto for all areas of your life as long as you don’t get caught up in others dramas. Business & financial is flourishing with unexplored opportunities opening up. Blue and 3. LEO (July 23 to August 22) – Long term plans & goals are finally nearing completion, keep the focus, double check that the hinges that hold your plans together are strong, then watch the opportunities come. A wonderful time for family & friends. Blues & 9. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21) – Sometimes when life throws you a wobbly, you get caught up in the negative thinking, instead be grateful for all the positives & then watch as exciting times unfold for Dec/Jan. Start taking steps to live your dreams. Blues and 4. N GEMINI (May 21 to June 21) – Time or rather lack of CANCER (June 22 to July 22) – Dec may seem it, is irking the easygoing gemini, by mid Dec this will change.. Put in all the time & energy needed for your goals, don’t cut corners, soon opportunities to make your dreams a reality will come knocking. Yellows and 5. irksome at first, as plans etc go awry, but take heart & a deep breath, all will end up fine, you just have to let go of those reins & enjoy the ride, stop worrying, amazing opportunities are coming, be ready. Browns and 1. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept 22) – Dec will be LIBRA 22) – CAPRICORN AQUARIUS (Jan 20 to Feb 18) – Dec/Jan is the bring great change within & without, so don’t get caught up in old stories & dramas which will hold you back. This is a time of new beginnings, grab it with both hands, exciting times are ahead in all areas of your life. Blues and 4. (December 22 to January 21) – Dec/Jan will herald in a time of mystery & excitement, watch out for unusual opportunities coming your way, if it feels good go for it. It’s time to let your light shine. Unexpected windfalls & or welcome visitors in Dec/ Jan. Yellows and 1. (Sept 23 to October You may have felt bombarded by stressful issues for so long it’s become the norm, not so as Dec heralds in a more harmonious time if you let it, let go old habits & reactions, then Dec/Jan will hold wonderful surprises. Red and 7. time for fine tuning any areas of your life not flowing, a time to firmly re-adjust those areas so your quality of life becomes great. A welcome blast from your past, also an unexpected short holiday. Reds and 6. SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21) – You often feel life is an exhausting emotional roller coaster, use your time & energy to uncover areas that are stuck in your life. Dec/Jan are a time to listen to your heart & follow it, ditch the dramas & live, laugh & love instead. Whites and 8. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) – It may seem you have had many false starts, don’t lose hope, stay true to your goals & know if you truly focus & commit to them they will come true. Start living your life not others, then new doors will open. Yellows and 9. UNGABUR Y N I R EW Uber Fantastisch is an affordable retailer of shoes, clothing, swimwear and gifts in Yungaburra. Open Wednesday to Sunday 2/6 Kehoe Place (underneath the Eacham Hotel) YUNGABURRA Phone 0410 766 833 A