What's On Tablelands December 2016 / January 2017 Issue | Page 15


Theosophical Society – Meeting Room , rear of Community Services Tablelands , 38 Mabel St , Atherton . 1pm : Shared lunch : please bring some vegetarian finger food to share . 2pm : Audience sharing stories of “ It was meant to happen ”. 3pm : “ Living money ” Presentation by Geoff Thomas . Donation only . General public welcome . Note : No meeting in January ; next meeting 11th Feb 2017 . Enquires : Chris 4091 5156 or Frank 0428 224 554 Sunday December 11th Kallidad live at The Shed – Kallidad loves Atherton , and no trip by the band to Far North Queensland is complete without a Sunday session at the Shed ! Those of you who have been before will know these are concerts full of fun , family and fiesta , and we hope the whole town shows up this time ! Tickets are available on the door . Starts 5pm . Lot 3 , McConaghie Street , Atherton . Tablelands Bushwalking Club – O ’ Donahue Falls . This is a walk led by the Cairns Club . Easy / Moderate walk . Creek walk with rock hopping . Approximately 6km . A delightful day in the rainforest with waterfalls and large swimming hole . Walk through a teak tree plantation on the way . Mossman area . For details and times visit www . tablelandsbushwalking . org Wednesday December 14th Malanda Lioness – Meet every month on the second Wednesday at 6.30pm for a 7pm start , usually in the Malanda Hotel Ph Barb 4096 5960 or Dale 4096 5022 . Malanda Chamber of Commerce Meeting – RSL Meeting Room , Catherine St - 5.30pm to 7pm . Ph John 4095 1196 . Tablelands Bushwalking Club – Lock Creek . Moderate walk along an old logging track through rainforest at the end of Davies Creek . Probably quite overgrown . Gradual downhill for most of the way with a couple of small creek crossings . There should be an opportunity to sit in shallow water at an interesting old ‘ bridge ’. For more details , times and departure place - www . tablelandsbushwalking . org Thursday December 15th Tablelands Women in Networking Luncheon – All women welcome ! The December lunch will be held at Rainforest Bounty on Lindsay Road , Malanda . Enjoy the relaxing setting beside the Johnstone River with an Asian flavoured buffet lunch . Enjoy getting to know other women and what they enjoy doing - bring your flyer if you would like to share . Cost is $ 25 pp . BYO drinks . RSVP is essential . Email serina . newton @ eldersrealestate . com . au or phone 4096 5666 . If you need to cancel we appreciate being advised as the venue specially cater for the event . Saturday December 17th Walkamin Community Carols – Between 4pm and 9pm . Pre-entertainment will be on from 4pm to 7pm and then carols will start from 7pm . A great family event , with aussie tucker available sausages and damper and bar also available . Further phone 0429 933 884 . Saturday December 24th Malanda Christmas Eve Festival
Begins 6pm at SPAR carpark , Santa arrives at 7pm . Rides for kids available . Great family night ! Sunday December 25th Merry Christmas ! Enjoy a buffet lunch at the Atherton Hotel . Kids even receive a small gift . For details and to book visit athertonhotel . com . au or ph 4091 7611 . Saturday December 31st New Year ’ s Eve Smith & Co Charity Concert – Enjoy the reunion of the original Smith & Co Band . Tabled seating with a licensed bar . Savoury & hot food available ( catered by Leeandra Norman of “ Love - Lee Cooking ”). Party , dance and reminisce with great music from the 70 ’ s , 80 ’ s & 90 ’ s . See page 5 for details . Celebrate New Year in Herberton – Celebrating a time when music was about fun , dancing and feeling good , Herberton closes its main street and goes into family-friendly fun mode for New Year ’ s Eve from 6.30pm - midnight on Sat 31 December . There are activities for young and old , plus JD the DJ , and rock band , Olds Kool . Food , treats and refreshments from your favourite Herberton eateries .
Saturday January 14th The Guitar Club , Malanda – Meets from 10am - 1pm on second Saturday of the month at The Closet Hippy , 5 English Street . New members and beginners welcome . Email : Cliff . Rogers @ bigpond . com Knitting together in Yungaburra – Held monthly on Second Saturdays , we get together to knit & crochet , at the Yungaburra CWA rooms , from 2-5pm . All abilities are welcome , from beginners to experts , and everyone in between . We chat , share our projects and encourage each other . A donation towards our “ Biggest Morning Tea ” fundraising for The Cancer Council , is asked for . Simple afternoon tea provided . Sunday January 15th Mainly Music Fun , interactive music for young children and their parents / caregivers from 9.30 to 11am . Young children and their parents / caregivers join together for a fun , thirty minute music session , then afterwards enjoy homemade morning tea in a relaxed setting . Mainly Music is an activity you and your child ( birth to school age ) can participate in . Stan Moses Hall , Vernon Street , Atherton . Ph : Anne Hoyal , 0428 194144 . Friday January 20th Messy Church – Takes place on the 3rd Friday of the month from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the Anglican Church Hall on Vernon St . Lots of fun for children of all ages and includes craft , bible story , afternoon tea and fellowship . No charge . Tribal Drumming Night – Held at the Closet Hippy , English Street , Malanda . 6pm Start . Everyone welcome , extra drums are available . Bring food to share and gold coin donation . Please call to confirm event 0438 642 498 Thursday January 26th Australia Day at Malanda Hotel ! A great day for the whole family ! Toad racing , kids activities , competitions and much more !
Ashley & Daniel ’ s Recognition of Service with Yungaburra Fire
Deadline for event submissions for the February issue is January 15th Don ’ t Miss OUt ! Website calendar events can be submitted any time

www . whatsonwheretogo . com . au

Only $ 23

Markets December Atherton ( 0427 818 091 ), Mt Molloy ( 4094 1036 ) and Koah ( 0422 068 995 ) - Sat 3 Tolga ( 4091 2810 ) - Sun 4 Atherton Lions Indoor Markets ( Showgrounds 7am-12pm ) Phone 0448 336 035 - Sun 11 Mareeba ( 0419 788 277 ) - Sat 10 Archer Creek ( 4097 6545 ) Sun 11 Malanda ( 0439 702 657 ) - Sat 17 Wondecla ( 0447 097 761 ) - Sun 18 Yungaburra ( 4095 2111 ) - Sun 18 Tumoulin ( 0428 692 305 ) - Not on in Dec Irvinebank – Sun 11

January 2017 Atherton ( 0427 818 091 ), Mt Molloy ( 4094 1036 ) and Koah ( 0422 068 995 ) - Sat 7 Tolga ( 4091 2810 ) - Sun 8 Atherton Lions Indoor Markets ( Showgrounds 7am-12pm ) Phone 0448 336 035 - Sun 8 Mareeba ( 0419 788 277 ) - Sat 14 Archer Creek ( 4097 6545 ) Sun 8 Malanda ( 0439 702 657 ) - Sat 21 Wondecla ( 0447 097 761 ) - Sun 15 Yungaburra ( 4095 2111 ) - Sat 28 Tumoulin ( 0428 692 305 ) - Sun 22 Irvinebank – Sun 8
Activities for December
6th - Christmas Craft 13th - Christmas Cooking & Christmas Craft 20th - School Holiday Fun - Ten Pin Bowling Break
Activities for January whatsonwheretogo . com . au
10th - Fun & Games in Tolga Park 17th - Let ’ s Get Physical - Fun at the Pool 24th - Mind , Body - Yoga & Massage
31st - Let Loose with Numbers - Bingo Fun
Tuesdays 9am - 12 noon CWA Hall
Jack St , Atherton Women of all ages welcome ! for a morning of socialisation , fun and information . Subsidised transport is available ( conditions apply ). Charity bread is available on our activity day and Wednesday at NILS office , Office 11 , Jack St . Business Centre , Railway Lane , Atherton . Sponsored by : Tableland Women ’ s Centre Inc