What's On Sept/Oct/Nov What's On Sept 2018_Online | Page 6

LIFE DRAWING / WATERCOLOURS / SKILLS WORKSHOPS Looking to develop your artistic skills in a friendly and supportive environment? Come and join Artist Hannah Boyd on a range of workshops covering: - Watercolours - Pastels, charcoal and graphite, - Inks and fine liners. The focus of the workshops are building skills, understanding of different materials and developing your artistic talents. Sessions cover a range of creative mediums, techniques and materials and start from 2 hours to a full 5 week course. Sessions are available afternoons, evenings and weekends. Booking is recommended. *All levels of experience welcome!* Private tuition available for GCSE, A Level and undergraduate students. Email for details. E-mail: [email protected] www.hannahboydart.co.uk Newhampton Arts Centre, Wolverhampton, WV1 4AN classes held across Wolverhampton, South Staffordshire & Stafford 6 for more information and to book call Svenja: 07846 337910 email: svenja. ji [email protected]