What's On Guide Winter 2013/14 | Page 6

6 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 7 Sat 2 Nov, 10am - 4pm Sun 3 Nov, 10.45am Thur 7 Nov, 7.30pm Fri 8 Nov, 7.30 - 11pm Melbourne Arts & Crafts Market Honour Walk at Rosliston Forestry Centre Hilton & Marston History Group Burton on Trent in WW2 The Comedy Lodge - Laughing Cows at Swadlincote Ski Centre Tel: 01283 563483 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Tel: 01283 733069 Email: [email protected] www.hiltonmarstonhistory.org.uk Price: Non Members £2, Membership £10 Visitors welcome at all meetings Sun 3 Nov, 2 - 4pm and 6pm Thur 7 Nov, 7.30pm Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF Start your Christmas shopping at this Arts & Crafts Market with lots of stalls selling handcrafted products; Cafe with tea/coffee and homemade cakes on site. Free adjacent parking. Tel: 07912 059071 www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Free parking free Sat 2 Nov, 10am - 4pm Collectable & Upcycle Fair at Sharpe’s Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG Pick up a hidden gem. A children’s craft workshop inspired by Bonfire Night will also be held, competition judging of the poster competition will also be taking place. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: [email protected] www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free Sat 2 Nov, 12.30 - 4pm 20th Century at Calke Abbey Ticknall, DE73 7LE Come and meet some 1940s war time characters. Help the war effort with some make do and mend, then join us for a tea dance at 2.30pm in the Riding School. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: [email protected] www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Normal admission charges apply Sun 3 Nov, 10am - 2pm Melbourne Food Fair Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF All fresh produce from beer, wines and spirits to fruit, vegetables, cheese and pies; all under one roof! Tel: 01332 863522 Email: [email protected] www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk free Free adjacent parking Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX Make a difference to the lives of members of the British Armed Forces past and present and their families by taking part in the ‘Honour Walk’. Sponsorship forms available or you can make a donation on the day. Treasures of India Talk at Repton Overseal’s Bonfire & Firework Display Overseal Village Hall, Woodville Road, Overseal, DE12 6NF Enter the Guy competition at Overseal Village Hall, with a variety of stalls and refreshments in the afternoon. Then at 6pm on the Recreation Ground. The Bonfire will be lit by this year’s Gala King and Queen followed by the fireworks display. N.B. For health and safety reasons sparklers & Chinese fire lanterns are not allowed at the display. Tel: 01283 761667 free Mon 4 Nov, 2 - 4pm Antiques Valuation Day at Melbourne Assembly Rooms High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF Come and have your items valued by Bamfords Auctioneers in The Shone Lounge. Tel: 01332 863522 Email: [email protected] free www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Wed 6 Nov, 2pm Voices and Volumes Florence Nightingale The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG Join The Voices and Volumes Club in association with The Magic Attic for this talk by guest speaker Danny Wells. Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2 Includes tea/coffee and biscuits Hilton Methodist Chapel, Main Street, Hilton, DE65 5FW Talk with guest speaker Val Williams. Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6FH Join Repton Village Society for this talk by speaker Helen Willis and to hear the results of the Photographic Competition. Tel: 01283 701838 www.reptonvillage.org.uk Price: Members £2, Visitors £3 Tel: 07939 892199 www.thecomedylodge.co.uk Price: £8.50 Fri 8 Nov Stop the Week! at The Tara Centre Ashe Hall, Ash Lane, Etwall, DE65 6HT Simple, relaxing, guided meditation and a delicious two-course meal. Tel: 01283 732338 www.tarakmc.org Price: please telephone for details Thur 7 Nov, 10am Staunton Harold to Worthington Circular Walk 5.8 miles Home Fixtures Meet at Severn Trent Spring Wood Car Park (at southern end of Staunton Harold Reservoir, closest car park for Dimminsdale), LE65 1RR. SK379220 Led by a member of the Melbourne Footpaths Group, mainly along field paths through countryside not often explored. Tel: 07708 435469 www.melbournefootpathsgroup.wordpress.com Price: £2 per person Fri 8 Nov - Sat 21 Dec, 10am - 4pm 50 Years of Christmas Cards Exhibition at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG V????F??2FV??&'?W???&?F???'???V?v?F??Ff?2??F?R??vW"v??W'??FVâ#?2###c?V??â??f?6?'W7?GFW'??W6WV???&r?V??wwr?6?'W7?GFW'??W6WV???&r?V????6?"?W&&W'Bw&vrv??7vF??6?FR?DS???F?R6??VG???FvRvV?6??W2&6?F?P?( ??Vv???r6?w>( ?( 2&?VF?6V?V'&F??r??6??v66??r?BFWfV????rv??V???6??VG??6??6R????7G2??6?VFR?&V??&??W???W'6P??WGFW"?????7WF?W&??B?B?W&VV???V?vW"??&"?Bf??B&Rf??&?R?F?6?WG2f??&?P?g&??7vF??6?FRD?2?#?2###?C??g&VP??vF6?w&VBf??F&?????6?WF?FW&'?6??&R?6??R???p??B7W?'BF?R( ???F?V?( ???B6VRV?f?2w&W6?W???7F????6GW&F?2( 2??6??fbB7?vVV?F?2( 2??6??fbBr?CW???fV?&W ?6GW&F??F?( 26&?F??F?v?????F?F?( 2V7Gv??BF?v??6GW&F?#7&B( 2&??V?W0?FV6V?&W ?6GW&F?GF?( 2?Wv67F?RF?v??F?W'6F?#gF?( 26??f???RF?v??6GW&F?#?F?( 2?&?WBG&?F??F?v??V'??6GW&F?F??v??v?Rd0?6GW&F?#WF?( 2?VV?F?v??fV''V'??6GW&F??F?( 2??W6?vV?F?v??6GW&F?WF?( 2&??v?'F???W2vV?f&P???Bw&?V?B???B7G&VWB?6?W&6?w&W6?W???7vF??6?FR?DS?$P????S?#?2#c3R??f????f?w&W6?W?f2?6??vV#?wwr?w&W6?W?f2?6??&?6W3?GV?G2 *3r?6??6W76???2 *3@?V?FW".( ?2?v?F?gV?????rGV?B? *3??