What's On Guide Winter 2013/14 | Page 24

24 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Mon 27 Jan, 7.30pm visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 25 Wed 29 Jan, 12 noon Sat 18 Jan, 11am - 2pm Tues 21 Jan, 7.30pm Plasticine Play at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum Britain’s First Civil Engineer Talk at Etwall South Derbyshire Badger Group Annual Quiz Tel: 01283 730287 Email: [email protected] www.etwallhistory.org Tel: 07754 094177 Email: [email protected] www.southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk Price: Visitors £2 West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG Family workshop activity making an object out of plasticine. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: [email protected] www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Chapel School Room, Etwall, DE65 6LU Join Etwall & Burnaston History Society for this talk by guest speaker Alan Gifford on ‘George Sorocold – Britain’s First Civil Engineer’. free Sat 18 Jan, 2.30pm & 7.30pm Sun 19 Jan, 2.30pm Robin Hood and The Babes in The Wood The Memorial Hall, Chellaston Lane, Aston on Trent Aston Players are proud to present Robin Hood and the Babes in The Wood. Come along and boo the baddie, cheer the dame and sing along to some cheesy songs; licensed bar and refreshments available. Please telephone for further information and tickets. Tel: 01332 799595 Price: Please telephone Sun 19 Jan, 1.45pm Winter Wonderland Walk at Rosliston Forestry Centre Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX Enjoy a brisk walk and take in the beautiful scenery on display; after the walk warm up with a hot chocolate in the cafe. Tel: 01283 563483 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2 to include refreshment Mon 20 Jan, 10.45am The Hanging Sheriffs of Calke by Dale Jackson Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE Because of their perceived wealth several of the owners of Calke were made High Sheriff which meant that in early times they presided over the Assizes and the subsequent hangings. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: [email protected] www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: £20 includes a 2 course lunch Normal park admission also applies Fri 24 Jan, 12 noon Taster Lunch - Ways with Venison at Calke Abbey Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE Enjoy a taster 3 course venison lunch freshly prepared by the Calke chefs. Try a variety of cuts and cooking methods. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: [email protected] www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: £25 Normal park admission also applies Healthier South Derbyshire Day at Green Bank Leisure Centre Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AD Free fun packed health & wellbeing day for all the family. Sport & physical activity taster sessions. Find out how to stop smoking & lose weight. Health checks & body MOT’s. Make a fruit smoothie on the Blenda Vender. Giant games and more! free Sat 25 and Sun 26, (Sat 2.30pm and 7.30pm, Sun 2.30pm) Robin Hood and the Babes in The Wood The Memorial Hall, Chellaston Lane, Aston on Trent Aston Players are proud to present Robin Hood and the Babes in The Wood. Come along and boo the baddie, cheer the dame and sing along to some cheesy songs; licensed bar and refreshments available. Please telephone for further information and tickets. Tel: 01332 799595 Price: Please telephone Mon 27 Jan, 7.30pm Cheddleton Flint Mill Talk at Melbourne Assembly Rooms High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF Join Melbourne Civic Society for this talk by speaker Dr John Outram telling the interesting history of the water mill at Cheddleton, once used for grinding flint for the pottery industry. Tel: 01332 865760 Email: [email protected] www.melbournecivicsociety.co.uk Price: Members £1 Non Members £2 Sat 25 Jan, 10am - 2pm Tel: 01283 595772 Email: [email protected] www.healthiersouthderbyshire.org Findern Parish Rooms, Lower Green, Findern, DE65 6AD Annual quiz (with prizes) followed by social evening. Bring food and/or drink. Tues 28 Jan, 10.45am Entomologist or Eccentric? Talk by Alison Thornhill Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7LE Was Sir Vaucey Harpur Crewe merely an avid collector of insects or was he truly interested in Natural History? Do any of the species he collected at Calke still occur in park today? Let’s find out! Tel: 01332 863822 Email: [email protected] www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: £20 includes a 2 course lunch Normal park admission also applies Cook like a Calke Chef at Calke Abbey Ticknall, DE73 7LE Impress your friends and family after this demonstration with Calke’s Head Chef. You’ll learn the tricks of the trade to make delicious canapés and party show-stoppers. Contact: C ??????????Q???????????????)??????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????)A????? ????????????????????)9?????????????????????????????()]??????)????????????????()Q?????????5???)??M??????e?A??????5???()]???M?????M?????????????)?????????????????????????????????)]?????????????????????????????)???!??????1??????????????????+?a?Q?????M????d?)Q???????????????)?????????????????????????????)???????????????????????? ()???() ????????????((????()M???????????????????()???? ??????)!?????????)A????A???????()?????????????????????)????M?????????Q?????)%????????? ????((???????????((