What's On at The BRIT School 3 | 页面 2

Silver Edition

Silver Edition

This year marks The BRIT School ’ s 25th anniversary , and the launch of our BRIT Silver Campaign .
We need supporters to join us , celebrate with us and invest in young British talent for future generations of BRIT students . And now has never been a more urgent time to ask for your support .
BRIT Silver is an ambitious campaign to raise £ 3.15m to keep The BRIT School special and an exciting place full of opportunities for young people who want creativity as part of their future . A series of events showcasing the incredible talent of our hardworking and exceptional students is planned for the year , marked with the BRIT Silver logo , which will help us raise the funds we need . We are so grateful that The BRIT School has a passionate and committed family of supporters . If we all work together , then we will ensure that this school that we all love so much will continue to produce creative , talented young people for generations to come .
Wednesday 18 January 5.30pm £ 3 /£ 1.50
The Visual Arts and Design Department present a collective exhibition of all year groups celebrating their journeys so far ….
The evening will include a Year 13 BTEC prize with guest judges , and you are also the judge , choosing your favourite piece with the People ’ s Choice Award .
The students will also exhibiting photography , painting , print , sculpture , fashion … and so much more ….
A shop will also be available to purchase students ’ apparel and design work .
If you would like to find out more about how you can support the School , please contact our Fundraising Administrator , Amanda Luis . aluis @ brit . croydon . sch . uk