What's going on Downtown North Bay Vol.1 October 2013 | Page 29
1964 Production of Mother Goose: A Pantomime by Trudy West at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall
This Production was Directed by Joyce Johnson and Produced by Derek Ponting
With a community theatre group, people are devoting their time because they want too. Performing creates a rapport between
audience and actor, which is based on love of craft and respect for same. There are many people who have been involved with the
Gateway Theatre Guild and who have received many acknowledgments and awards that could not be mentioned. With amateur
theatre “it not only entertains but fosters an appreciation and awareness for the theatre arts. It is also a stepping stone to the professional stage and deserves everyones support” as commented by Betty Speers to the North Bay Nugget in 1987. The Gateway
Theatre Guild is ongoing with many positive new developments and changes; they continue to expand.
Research conducted for this article provided enough information to publish a book. To preserve the history of North Bay,
researchers can utilize the material on a wide variety of subjects available in the archives. With our recent move to Canadore
College, the Discovery North Bay Museum archives has been able to expand and become more accessible to the community. Our
new space allows an area for research part of which is community group records and the existing large paper collection with
articles, posters, photographs and other memorabilia, plus the Ontario Northland Railway archives. To book an appointment,
or to make a research inquiry please contact Naomi Rupke at 705-476-2323. Research and reproduction fees may apply to requests or appointments, please contact for further details, or visit our website @discoverynorthbay.com.
DO NOT THROW AWAY! Do the right thing: recycle & show a friend!