What's Cooking June 20, 2014 | Page 2

Next Week in UM Dining!

We would like to send out a big congratulations to Angie, who married the love of her life Cam on Sunday…BTW…the Catering Department did an awesome job and Lindsey’s cake was amazing! There are some exciting changes coming to the Food Court this summer. Some of you may have already heard that this is the last week for Ui Cha in the Food Court. In their place will be the Mustard Seed Noodle Express. We are happy to have them here and look forward to the changes they will bring. We would also like to thank the crew of Ui Cha for all of the hard work they have put in over the last three years. Many of you will be missed. Quote of the week: I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me! Dr. Seuss

Things are heating up in the Food Zoo, and we think with the nicer weather it will heat up in here even more. We have another orientation next Thursday, and we will be handing out root beer floats and recruiting new hires next Thursday night. The contract business now has picked up to where we are open for all meal periods, so take a walk in the sunshine and come visit us !

Getting ready for another new student orientation next week. We will open the Corner Store again for overflow. It worked well this last week. New recipes are in the works. We look forward to rolling out some fun things in the fall.

We will be baking treats for orientation which will include 35dz breakfast pastries and 50dz local raspberry cheesecake and flathead cherry brownies. We will also be getting ready for upcoming wedding cakes and bulk prepp'ing items for Food Zoo and Catering.

At Think Tank we will be missing Rebecca as she fills in for Angie for a few days. We will have the Almond Joy Mocha as our special next week. Also, don't forget you have the chance to be the office hero...grab 1gallon of coffee for $15 and make everyone happy.

UMC is in the process of cleaning out the Adams Center as well as preparing for the potential Montana Blaze playoff game on Saturday the 28th in Washington Grizzly Stadium. The Food Truck will be on near the UC/Mansfield Library during orientation Thursday and Friday. Also, the Golf Course is open rain or shine and serving. Feel free to stop by and say hi to Jan.

We are busy this week. We have a Chemistry Conference (NORM 2014) Monday-Wednesday. The second Summer Orientation starts on Wednesday and goes through Friday. There is a conference in the Payne Native American Center Thursday-Saturday, and a retirement party on Thursday night also. Then we finish out the week with a 2 day webinar conference here in the UC.