What's Cooking Dec 13, 2013 | Page 2

Next Week in


All is quiet on the Food Court front…We have lots of staff getting their Serve Safe certification completed. Hours of operation are 11am-2pm Monday through Friday. The 406 grill and Casa Nina will be closed. Quote of the week: In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln

Food Zoo just finished a great Cookie Cook-off Party with lots of children and cookies donated, as well as the UM Caroling Ensemble cheering everyone up. We also wrapped all holiday presents for our Adopt-a-family and veterans and sent those off. We will be closed for the break but have lots of projects in the works.

The Corner Store has started cleaning up and closing for the winter. Thanks to the team for a great semester. We have a super group of students!! Enjoy your break and we will see you next year!!

The bakery is keeping busy with the CFAC Fundraiser on Monday and the President's holiday dinner on the 17 th. We have lots of projects lined up for winter break including learning about our new label machine. We had a great semester and will miss our non returning students who will be going out into the great big world. They grow up so fast!

Think Tank will be open from 8-2 all week. Stop by for lunch or just a coffee cup. Thank you to everyone who has made this a great place to work! I will miss you all! Best, Megan

Biz Buzz and Recess will be closed all through winter break. We had to say farewell to Megan so Rebekah will be covering Think Tank until we fill the Supervisor position.

After long hours of hard works and fast, last-minute preparations we are ready to slow down a bit. We have one game on December 20th: the Griz men basketball team will play against Montana Western. The truck is also taking a break and getting fixed up.

Catering is wrapping up a busy fall semester with a busy Holiday schedule. We spread holiday cheer to all campus employees on Thursday night at the annual Holiday party in the UC Ballroom. On Saturday we continued helping spread holiday cheer at the Student Affairs Holiday party as well as the Missoula Men’s Chorus Holiday performance. The holiday theme continues this week with three parties on Tuesday. We will be getting the employees of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Garden City Plumbing into the holiday spirit, as well as the President’s house. We also have one basketball games. One last busy week before a little holiday down time for the Catering Staff. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays!