WooHoo! 15 days left in the Spring semester…but who’s counting. We are working on filling schedules for finals week, Steam week, commencement, summer semester and fall semester right now as well as performance reviews….busy, busy, busy. Quote of the week: Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! Bob Marley
It’s hard to believe that we are rapidly approaching the end of the semester, and preparing for our last two events. Next week we have a special menu for our Spring Fling dinner, with the added touch of tablecloths and flowers. Steaks, Southern fired chicken, coleslaw, cornbread and a full array of comfort food and healthy choices. Coca-Cola will also be on hand outside the Corner Store providing free samples and some prize giveaways.
Working on getting finals week schedules done. We have started taking applications and shift requests for next fall semester. The earth week specials have been popular. We have our student manager position posted and will be doing interviews before the end of the semester.
It keeps getting busier as we approach graduation! We have catering events including the Mathematics Dept. Awards, phi Beta Kappa’s Assoc., and the Blackfoot Telephone Annual meeting. Stop by the food zoo for spring fling desserts including berry trifle.
Earth Day was a success for Biz Buzz and Recess! At Biz Buzz we sold over ten of the Beet Ruben’s and our guest cold not get enough of the Montana Mountain Mochas! At the Think Tank we'll have White Chocolate Mocha specials and a quote for inspiration: All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn't even visible.” Norman Maclean
Food Truck will be downtown in front of the Elks lodge Friday Night from 8p-11p to serve the guests at the UM Artist Collective Party.
Adams center has a weekend volleyball tournament Saturday and Sunday.
Catering is picking up steam between now and Commencement. There is a blood donation drive in the Continuing Ed Building Mon through Wed. Well Check starts on Thursday, don’t forget! There is an opening in the Art Gallery at the PARTV Building on Thursday night. On Saturday we have a Bridal Shower and the 65th Anniversary of Blackfoot Telecommunications Celebration.