before m
Boys and relationships. Girls, right now in your
life boys and talking about relationships may
seem like a really big thing and one of the most
important things going on in your life. Let me tell
you something, the older you get the more you
realise that life goes on. Looking back, I would tell
my younger self that everything is going to be ok.
Boys will come and go, but never ever put them
before friends. Do not let peer pressure make
you feel you have to do things to ‘fit in’ with the
crowd. True friends will always be there for you
and will not forget you, regardless of if they are in
a relationship or not. Just because they are in one
does not mean you have to be. The right person
will come at the right time. Live in the moment
and before anything, remember to be ‘whateva’
you want to be and spend time with the people
who matter.
you l
I know you want to please everyone
and that you think your goals are
unrealistic, but the one thing you
need to know is this: Do what you love!
Explore more, take-up new hobbies,
pick-up an instrument and learn
more about who you are and what you
love to do. The hard truth is you can’t
please everyone so do what makes
YOU happy and those that love you
will support you. It’s okay to dabble,
be an artist this month and an astro-
naut next month. Don’t worry about
what your friends are doing, it’s okay
for them to like movies while you like
books, its okay to want to stay home
and read while everyone else wants to
go out.
“Live in the moment. It’s hard not to
overthink and to live in the present, but
just let it be. You’re not living in the
future, you’re living now!”
- Carmen
“Life is about doing the things that please
you the most, even if that’s eating a
whole cake when you’re sad. No one is
going to judge you if cake makes you
happy. You’ll definitely miss school one
day, so make the most of not having too
many responsibilities.” - Izzy
“I would tell my younger self to make the
most of every day and enjoy yourself,
because nothing is more important than
your happiness. Take control of your life
and live in the moment. Memories last
forever.” - Kristiana
“Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Everything will fall into place.”
- Shaira
Whateva - Issue 1 9