Whateva Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2017 | Page 23

Puzzles & Games Can you find the 5 hidden Harry Potter items on this page? Sudoku Can you find all the magic spells below? Fill the grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains the numbers 1 - 9. ACCIO ALOHOMORA CONFUNDO EPISKEY EXPECTOPATRONUM EXPELLIARMUS LUMOS OBLIVIATE RICTUSEMPRA RIDDIKULUS We make print and mailing nice and easy. So you can focus your energy on more important things. Unbeatable value, all the support you need and we’re just down the road! W E C R E AT E | W E P R I N T | W E D E L I V E R |T| 023 9233 4900 |E| [email protected] |W| bishops.co.uk Whateva - Issue 1 23