Whateva Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2017 | Page 11

discharge, so you don't need to worry too much about all the with a sanitary towel. They are the easiest form of sanitary wear to use and will do the job for a good few hours. You might have heard of 'leaking through' your sanitary towel onto this is pretty unlikely because of the small amount of blood, but if it's something you're worried about just make sure you have a good stash of towels on you and pop into the bathroom a few more times than normal to keep check. Okay, here's the part everyone dreads. Period Pain. We won't lie to you here at Whateva, periods can and most probably will hurt. You'll start to get some dull aching pains in your lower belly, and sometimes you're back. for a number 2 in the toilet (gross, I know) is a lot higher and more sudden then before. The best remedy? Lay in bed with a hot water bottle, take some pain relief tablets, try some gently Pubic hair. You’ll notice this after your breasts sta rt to grow, and just be fore Your breats sta rt to eme rge. They will take about four years to grow in prope rly, but on ce they sta rt to, your pe riod will come after. pe riod should arrive. exercise, and if that does work eat some chocolate and wait for the pain to go. Now lastly, if you can,talk to your mum, big sister, nan or school nurse. These women have been through this process every month of their teenage and adult life. They know what happens, what to expect and are the best people to go to for advice and help. It can be embarrassing, but it's better to be prepared then out in town with your mates when your period starts with no clue what to do! Discharge. This is a be in your knickers just be fore your pe riod sta rts! If you see thi s, start carrying some towels in your bag just in cas e. Try to start carrying a clean pair of underwear on you, so you are guard In case of an emergency, toilet roll will tide you over until you can get a sanitary towel Start keeping a sanitary towel, and panty liner in your bag, just in case Whateva - Issue 1 11