What You Need To Know RAF Regiment 4 Week Fitness Plan | Page 2
Body Hug Shoulder Rotation Trunk Rotations
Set up - Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart and your arms
outstretched at shoulder height by the
sides of your body. Set up - Stand upright with your feet
shoulder width apart. Set up - Stand upright with your feet
shoulder width apart with your hands
across your chest.
Action - Bring your arms in across your
body and give yourself a big hug.
• Return to the starting position and
Body Hug
Action - Using one arm at a time, in a
continuous motion draw a big circle
with your hand to the side of your body.
• Repeat on opposite side.
Arm Swings
Action - Turn your body to look over
your left shoulder.
• Return to centre, turn your body to
look over your right shoulder.
Trunk Rotation
• Repeat
Muscular endurance exercises are a vital part of our training programme. During
selection, you’ll be tested on how many sit-ups and then how many press-ups you can
perform in a minute. Here’s how to crunch out the numbers.
The perfect press-up Super sit-ups
Begin on the floor with your arms straight (supporting
your body) and shoulder-width apart. Your back should
be straight and your abdominal muscles engaged –
helping to keep your torso straight. Remember to look
ahead, not down.
Lower your body in one controlled movement until
your chest is a few inches off the floor. Then straighten
your arms again, raising your body to the start position.
Remember to keep your elbows pointing back, not out
to the side. Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent at about
90 degrees. Your feet should be firmly on the floor and
about shoulder-width apart. Place your hands across
your chest or lightly at the side of your head.
Next, curl your head, shoulders and torso off the floor
and raise your body until you are in an upright position
and your elbows touch your knees. Roll back down
through the spine to the start position and repeat.