What You Need To Know Before Hiring Professional Movers in Brisbane What Do You Need To Know Before Hiring Professiona | Page 10
There are several things you can do to make a move less stressful for everyone involved. These tips from
Mr Stewart can also be applied when moving your own things: Disassemble your flat-pack furniture.
"Your flat-pack furniture isn't built to last — or be moved. It can fall apart at the slightest provocation,"
Mr Stewart says. Don't take the risk. Packing it down will hugely increase the odds of being able to use it
again. Empty your drawers. "Empty your stuff — carrying a chest full of drawers that wasn't even made
to be moved empty is dangerous."
Don't water your pot plants the day before moving. "Plants are really heavy when they're full of
water."Tape your boxes on both sides. "When you're trying to stack stuff in the truck, it helps."Use
similar sized boxes where you can. It makes stacking easier. Don't recycle boxes that are too worn.
"Sometimes you'll be on a move carrying someone's china in a shoebox and it just disintegrates in your
hand." If you don't opt for a packing service — have everything packed. "If you rock up to someone's
house and they haven't packed their stuff, and they expect you to, we are going to be there for double
the time and we're going to charge you for that."Be nice. "The worst times aren't a matter of lifting
something terrible, but instead lifting something terrible for a terrible person."
7.0 Reasons to Hire a Professional Organiser when Moving
Hiring a professional organizer during a move can help solve problems before they arise and make your
moving process a lot easier. After years of helping clients through hundreds of moves, this summer I got
to provide this service to my very own family. And, as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you
stronger. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to die after about 50 trips up the stairs
carrying boxes! After years of helping clients through hundreds of moves, this summer I got to provide
this service to my very own family. And, as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Don’t get