What Would Happen | Page 4

When children act, they ask: what would happen? What would happen if I pressed this button, acted this way, tried this on? The urge to know, it seems, is programmed into us from birth. It is the well from which each hypothesis springs. It is the stone upon which progress stands. It is the spirit of curiosity that pushes us at Children’s Hospital Colorado to explore the limits of what’s possible. Every day, our doctors perform feats that just decades ago would have seemed preposterous: we can operate on the trachea of an unborn baby and treat cancer with molecules engineered in labs. Our doctors have developed ways to treat not just diseases, but the genes that cause them. They’ve figured out how to avoid costly and invasive endoscopies using a simple piece of string. They’ve invented a new vital sign. Some of these efforts are highlighted in this book. Many, many more continue in operating rooms and offices, around conference tables and in basement labs beneath the glamorless glare of florescent light. Because as nice as it is to be r X