What to Expect When It Isn't Expected: Helping Mommies Everywhere! March 2014 | Page 9










Healthy Avacado Corn Salsa...

4 Ripe Avocados. 1 finely chopped red pepper, 1 finely chopped red onion ,2 cloves garlic - minced ,1 bag of frozen white corn, 1 can of

black beans-drained ,1/3 cup olive oil ,1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 tablespoons Cider Vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano or minced fresh basil ~ or both, salt and pepper. Combine all ingredients ~ except the avocados. Just before serving, chop the avocados and gently fold in. Enjoy with wheat or corn chips.




Crazy For Coconut!

Blend together

3 pineapple slices chopped
Coconut water

Coconut meat

Coconut has a lot of potassium and pineapple

has a ton of vitamin C. This drink will help with your digestion.

Slice of Summer Juice

2 Pineapple slices
1 Cucumber (do not peel)
1 Apple (do not peel)
Add ice and blend

This juice is high in vitamin C and iron which helps prevent

sags and wrinkles. It will also help with those nasty stretch

marks some women get during pregnancy.

Ginger Delight

4 Carrots
1 Apples
Ginger root

Juicing carrots, apples and ginger will help with any heart problems and nausea you may be experiencing. Apples and carrots help lower cholesterol and boost the immune system. Ginger improves blood circulation in the body and also helps with nausea and vomiting. This is a dynamite combo for all mommas!