What to Expect When It Isn't Expected: Helping Mommies Everywhere! March 2014 | Page 2


Note From Trish


Dear Moms and Moms-to-be,

Welcome to the first issue of Helping Mommy Tone.

As a pregnant woman I searched for answers to my questions: what to expect when it's UNexpected, and that prompted me to begin writing a blog on the subject. The response was overwhelming and I soon set up a website and now an online magazine. My goals is to give my readers tips and insight to help tone you mentally, physically, and spiritually during your pregnancy and beyond. Please visit my website at helpingmommytone.tumblr.com and look for the links to my recent blogs.

I can also be followed on twitter, facebook, pinterest, and linkedin; email me at [email protected].

Warm Regards,

Thanks so much,