Nothing could have prepared me for the first steps of high school , better than the first sip of coffee in the morning . Coffee is so simple , yet so extravagant , each one of its plants is cultivated over hundreds of years to produce beans that will satisfy , support , and comfort the average person for many hours of the day . For me , coffee is a gateway to a happy life like no other . Coffee is how I found out I was growing out of childhood .
Coffee is how I healed from a broken relationship .
Coffee is how I compliment my binges of Pixar movies at THE 11 p . m PUSH . Coffee AND is the PULL independent OF THE variable DEEP ; the BLUE ‘ X ’; the control of the formula of my WE life .
Getting to the root of this brew , I ' d just like to say that , in many ways , I am like coffee , more specifically , the plant . The coffee plant , Coffea , is a sturdy shrub with evergreen leaves . For a woman of small stature with a larger build than most , I am a shrub . This idea has helped me to push myself to define my presence in a room with how I carry myself and how I speak because I will be the hardiest shrub you ’ ve ever seen . As for the evergreen leaves , they are the symbol of immortality or eternal life . Evergreen people are known to be timeless and self-renewing . In many ways I see this in myself through the people I am surrounded by . From the people I ' ve met in my classes to Nobel prize laureates , I am surrounded by an athenaeum of information at my disposal that is everlasting .
When transforming the plant ' s fruit into a brew of many varieties , they all retain one similar aspect , their emotional and societal altering abilities . In many countries across the world , coffee is a ritualistic societal norm . For example , in Ethiopia , coffee ceremonies last over many hours and are considered
A to CASTLE be a moment MADE for connection OF SAND and , WE pleasure BUILT , no AND
SCULPTED matter the time , MELTED or place . In AWAY America SO , “ coffee EASILY breaks BY'' are THE a way PUSH for people AND PULL to take OF a break THE and DEEP connect BLUE
with others around them . For friends , a coffee date WE and brunch can be a way to build trust and a healthy relationship . For me , coffee holds even more significance .
Remembering when I lost my grandfather , feeling so depressed and cold ; my life was completely gray . My father and I , sitting at home quietly , I went to brew some coffee to alleviate some awkwardness in the room . I grabbed our cups from the cupboard , added some hazelnut creamer , and walked back into the living room . Standing in front of my dad I held out the warm mug . He looked for a moment and took it .
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