"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you
-Albert Einstein
Over the past year, the human race has experienced a grueling test of its fortitude, faced with the onslaught of the COVID-19 epidemic. Nevertheless, we as a planet have prevailed, utilizing the tool of logic-as Mr.Einstein would say- to expand our knowledge on the horrendous virus from A to Z. Simultaneously, we have unlocked the door to our minds with the key of imagination, a resourceful tool of perseverance, as we find ourselves trapped within the walls of our homes.
Today we present a testament to this imagination, showcasing the brilliant works of art and poetry created during an otherwise dismal time in the course of history. We hope that as you read today, you may reflect on the trials that you have gone through, and find comfort and solidarity in the joy, pain, and hope that radiate off every brushstroke and stanza found throughout the pages of our latest volume. It is logic that has led to the defeat of this horrible pandemic, but it has been imagination that has bolstered the resilience of the human mind of every man, woman, and child on this planet:: an extraordinary declaration of perseverance.
Jeremy Elwell, Literary Magazine Editor