What the Thunder Said Vol. 7 | Page 16


Three rows in front of me, one to the right

I see the way you look at him

Admiring his dull dark hair and muscular build

Any girl would do the same and yet I am still baffled

You are a sophisticated red wood forest with branches towering up to the heavens

That has been impressed by but a mere scrub living out the climax of its life right now

But your beauty will last forever as the golden apples of Hera’s garden

Your attention and gaze is as precious as a Goddess looking down on her people

What I would do to be him

Except I wouldn’t just sit there gloating in blissful arrogance

My pride would claw into the pit of my stomach at the first glimpse of your

piercing eyes swirling with intelligence and strength

Everything I ever knew about the world would shatter at the sound of your

soft soothing voice singing in the choir room

But here I sit, still me

You may never know my name and our hands may never meet

We may never dance in the rain or kiss under the stars

But if you were to know how much you mean to me

Without judgment or disgust,

that would be enough

In Robin's Journal

Isabella Serra