What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 20

houses, throwing snowballs at each other. I wanted to go play but I knew Mom would never let me with a fever. Instead, I looked past the kids and just watched the Christmas lights as we passed by.

"We're here!" Mom announced a while later. I had fallen alseep in an awkward position with my face pressed against the window.

I stretched, blinked my eyes blearily, and looked out the window at our new home for the next few months. It was a bit dull compared to all of the other houses and painted your basic white and gray. Although, the house was mostly gray because of the dirty snow falling off the tree branches. I got out of the car when I noticed something else, too. Just over on the house next door to us was a rose garden. Despite it being winter, the roses seemed to be in full bloom. The red was almost blinding against the white snow. Suddenly, I saw a figure who was standing behind the rose bush.

"Francis, come back!" Mom called. I took one last look but the figure was gone.

"Does someone live next door Mom?" I asked. Mom laughed. "Of course there is. Why? Did you bother the neighbors already?" she asked, and I coughed. "We should get you to bed, sweetie,"