What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 4

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” - E. L. Doctorow

As the novelist E. L. Doctorow expresses, the process of creation has a significant learning curve. The physical act of writing is the first step to developing a successful writer, even though they must continually build their personal identity through a variety of influences.

Writing, especially for young writers, can be not only a method for expressing maturity and growth, but also a catalyst prompting further personal development and progress. This growth is expressed through many of the pieces in our magazine; these pieces demonstrate an awareness of the balance between innocence and experience, optimism and cynicism, life and death. As high school students, the writers and artists featured in this magazine vividly capture the experiences that have shaped their lives, perspectives, and sense of self. Many of our writers looked back to events in childhood, demonstrating nostalgia for a simpler time of imagination and wonder, while approaching the subject with the increased knowledge and awareness that only age and experience can impart.

We would like to thank all of our contributors and hope you enjoy this volume of What The THunder Said

Melody, Jessica, Lanie, John

Literary Magazine Editors



What the Thunder Said.