Don't You Dare
by Sydney Harrison
Don't ever think about that boy again!
A fleeting thought or casual "hi" is fine,
But don't give in or he'll control you then;
Your eyes admit you think about those times.
A fleeting thought or casual "hi" is fine?
It's been too long for this to make you hurt.
Please, don’t admit you think about those times,
His eyes, his curls, the smell of his clean shirt.
It’s been too long for this to make you hurt.
Forget those little things, forget
His eyes, his curls, the smell of his clean shirt.
Don’t think a thought that later you’ll regret.
Forget the little things, forget.
You may not act, but even thoughts can sin;
Don’t think a thought that later you’ll regret.
You must recall the pain he put you in.
You may not act, but even thoughts can sin.
Just don’t give in or he’ll control you then.
You must recall the pain he put you in...
I’ll never think about that boy again.