My True True Love
When people are asked
If their true love is out there
Most would say
Yes! Of course they're out there
When people are asked
What they're doing right now
Most would say
they're singing and laughing
With family and friends
But I imagine my true love
To be hibernating in their room
Endlessly gorging themselves
On Doritos and Nutella
When people are asked
What they're doing right now
Most would say
They're picking flowers
With birds on their shoulders
But i imagine my true love
To be contemplating
Between one more level or a shower
When people are asked
What they're doing right now
Most would say
They're smiling at the neighbors and
Helping the elderly walk across the street
But I imagine my true love
To be crying in their room
After getting their report card
But while most would call me negative
It doesn't matter to me
Because despite my true love's issues
I will probably end up liking them anyways
By Daniel Nelson