What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 5

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton effectively captures the untold benefits of creating art. Whether it be through words or through mixed media, the process of creation gives us an opportunity for self-discovery all while granting us permission to let go and wander freely. When we think of it that way, creating art seems like something that everyone should prioritize, and thus, we absolutely applaud those who carve out time for such important work.

In this edition of What the Thunder Said, featured artists at Desert Vista explore the facets of relationships, the rhythms of nature, the beauty in everyday things, the emotions behind politics, and more. Through complete immersion in the world of art, they are able to address the important topics and show us that behind loss, there is a chance for redemption; behind pain, there is an appreciation for life. By finding unique voices in poetry, short stories, and artwork, our artists have in turn found themselves. Likewise, readers like you can lose yourself in the creations of others while finding a new perspective that could help shape your life.

We would like to thank all of our contributors and hope you enjoy this volume of What the Thunder Said.

Literary Magazine Club

We would like to thank all of our contributors and hope you enjoy this volume of What The THunder Said

Melody, Jessica, Lanie, John

Literary Magazine Editors
